A former UEA lecturer described as a "vile, evil parasite" has been refused permission to appeal his latest convictions for child sex offences.

Julian Myerscough, who lectured in criminal law, was jailed for 21 years in 2019 after being found guilty of rape and string of other offences on three girls under 13 between 2001 and 2010.

He had lodged a case at the Court of Appeal, in London, to have the verdicts overturned, but judges have rejected his bid.

However, the 60-year-old, formerly of Lowestoft, has also launched an appeal against the length of his sentence which is still going through the legal process.

Eastern Daily Press: Julian Myerscough was convicted of 11 charges relating to the abuse of children under 13 Picture: SUFFOLK CONSTABULARYJulian Myerscough was convicted of 11 charges relating to the abuse of children under 13 Picture: SUFFOLK CONSTABULARY (Image: Suffolk Constabulary)

Myerscough sparked an international manhunt when he fled from the UK during an earlier trial, in 2015, for downloading indecent images.

He travelled to Ireland and later Romania, from where he was eventually extradited.

At his 2019 trial, at Ipswich Crown Court, three of his victims were made to relive the ordeal and face their abuser.

One of them was as young as three or four at the time of some of the allegations.

During an emotional hearing for all but the outwardly impassive defendant, one victim accused him of an animal-like lack of compassion, adding: "You are a parasite, clinging to the lives of the innocent."

Another survivor added: "I went for so long believing what happened was my fault, before I realised it wasn't. I'm glad I was brave enough to get justice for myself and others.

"I leave this court with my head held high - and the knowledge that no other children will suffer at your hands."

Judge David Goodin said Myerscough had used the three girls when they had no words or vocabulary to describe the abuse.

"It's not necessary for me to describe the full horror of the abuse suffered by each little girl," added Judge Goodin.

Myerscough had been ordered to serve at least 14 years of the 21 year sentence behind bars, with an extended five-year licence period.

Eastern Daily Press: Myerscough fled from Ipswich Crown Court shortly before jurors found him guilty of possessing indecent images of children in 2015. He did not return to the UK for three years.Myerscough fled from Ipswich Crown Court shortly before jurors found him guilty of possessing indecent images of children in 2015. He did not return to the UK for three years.

During his trial, Myerscough had described allegations against him as "impossible" and "fantastic"

He tried to explain away previous crimes by arguing that images found in 2009 were "hidden" on a computer he acquired from someone else.

Myerscough had previously been convicted of possessing indecent images of children, firstly in 2010, then again five years later when he fled the country.

Eastern Daily Press: Dublin, Ireland Picture: GOOGLE MAPSDublin, Ireland Picture: GOOGLE MAPS



Myerscough is sacked from his job as a criminal law lecturer at the UEA after being found guilty of possessing indecent images of children. He is jailed for 15 months.


The disgraced lecturer is back before the court accused of 16 charges relating to downloading more indecent images and breaching a sexual offences prevention order. Shortly before jurors return to give a guilty verdict, Myerscough flees.

He is detained the following month by Garda officers at a Dublin hotel under a European Arrest Warrant after been spotted travelling on a ferry to Ireland.


A High Court judge in Ireland rules he should be extradited to the UK, despite his claims he feared for his life and was not given a fair trial. Myerscough starts a long legal fight against his extradition.


A Dublin court rules Myerscough should be released from prison as too much time has passed. A judge at Ipswich Crown Court sentences hims in his absence to three years and six months in prison.

As authorities fight a protracted legal battle to get him back into the country, three young women, who previously felt unable to make disclosures about his abuse, come forward to help secure his extradition.

A new European Arrest Warrant is obtained.


Myerscough is detained by Romanian law enforcement officers and brought back to the UK, where he was charged with new offences.


He is found guilty of 11 offences and sentenced to 21 years in prison.

Eastern Daily Press: Detective Inspector Simon Bridgland, Detective Chief Inspector David Henderson and Detective Constable Kate Bond Picture: SUFFOLK CONSTABULARYDetective Inspector Simon Bridgland, Detective Chief Inspector David Henderson and Detective Constable Kate Bond Picture: SUFFOLK CONSTABULARY (Image: Suffolk Constabulary)

Police determination

Following his conviction in Suffolk in 2019, Judge David Goodin praised the work of investigators.

Det Con Kate Bond spent six years on the case of a man described by investigators as a "vile, evil and utterly remorseless predator".

She was commended by Judge David Goodin for her "sensitive, quiet and determined" effort to achieve justice for his victims.

Read more: How fugitive child abuser was snared in international ‘cat and mouse’ game with police

After the hearing, she said: "There were many bumps along the road - not least when he absconded from court.

"The fight has been long, but justice has finally caught up with him."

DCI David Henderson said Myerscough showed his "utter contempt" for the justice system and his failure to accept guilt by fleeing to Ireland, then Romania.

Officers were able to track Myerscough after becoming aware of a close friendship with former cellmate Peter Ashford - another repeat sex offender from Lowestoft - who had visited him in Romania.

Det Insp Simon Bridgland said Myerscough arrogantly absolved himself of any responsibility for his offences, adding: "He is a man who thinks he is above the law. How wrong he was.

"In 23 years of policing, I've never dealt with a more dangerous, vile, evil individual."