Plans to install a drive-thru lane at a town's Costa Coffee shop were controversially backed by town councillors.

The coffee shop on North Quay Retail Park lodged plans for an extension and a newly created drive-thru lane.

The application was discussed at a meeting of Lowestoft Town Council's planning committee on Tuesday evening, October 18.

Town councillor Wendy Brooks said: "I'm not a user of retail parks because I cycle, but this is one that you can cycle around and it feels ok.

"I don't see the need for this drive-thru. I think it will make it into something completely different and take away parking from the other shops.

"Many people in the area that it serves don't drive and it will make it much more dangerous for people on their bikes.

"Once again we are failing to take into account the issues of the climate emergency in the town.

"This is overdevelopment of the site, which encourages people to drive and pick up a cup of coffee, drink it and chuck it out the window.

"Anyone who does litter-picking knows it is one of the big problems with drive-thru places.

"I cannot see how this is contributing to healthy living in any way."

If given the go-ahead, seven parking bays "within the central area of the application site will be lost," with four trees to be removed and "replaced within the application site", the application states.

Councillor Peter Lang said: "Burger King have a drive-thru opposite and I think you'd be hard pressed to say why they can have one and Costa can't.

"I would hazard a guess that in some ways that would be deemed safer because drivers would go round quite slowly."

The chain has been operating as a drive-to coffee shop from their existing, purpose-built unit on the retail park since it was built in 2013.

The committee recommended approval of the plans, by three votes to one, with a final say expected from East Suffolk Council as planning authority.