A woman was killed after being stabbed more than 20 times in her flat by a woman she had only met hours earlier, a court has heard.

Dace Kalkerte sustained a total of 25 wounds in a "sustained sharp force assault" allegedly carried out by Birute Klicneliene, 50, at the victim's flat in Highgate, off Gaywood Road, King's Lynn late on April 15 this year.

Eastern Daily Press: Police on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace KalkertePolice on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace Kalkerte (Image: Archant)

Ms Kalkerte was found by emergency services with serious injuries at the property, at around 12.30am on April 16 but died from her injuries at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Andrew Jackson, opening the case at King's Lynn Crown Court on Tuesday (October 18), said: "The defendant, say the prosecution, attacked and murdered a 50-year-old woman called Dace Kalkerte."

Eastern Daily Press: Police on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace KalkertePolice on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace Kalkerte (Image: Sarah Hussain)

The court heard the victim's partner worked with Klicneliene and her partner.

Mr Jackson said the victim and her partner had been at an allotment they had in the town with Klicneliene and her partner where they had been drinking earlier on April 15 this year.

Eastern Daily Press: Police on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace KalkertePolice on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace Kalkerte (Image: Chris BIshop)

At about 9.30pm, Klicneliene, who was "worse for drink", went with Ms Kalkerte back to the victim's Highgate home where they arrived at about 10.15pm.

Mr Jackson said: "That night was the first time the defendant had been to her flat.

"Before that evening they had never actually met."

He said at about 11.30pm Ms Kalkerte had been "fatally wounded".

Eastern Daily Press: Police on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace KalkertePolice on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace Kalkerte (Image: Chris Bishop)

Mr Jackson said Ms Kalkerte sustained a total of 25 wounds, including 16 stab and puncture wounds and nine incised wounds.

The jury of eight men and four women were told Klicneliene was to tell police she had been asleep in the flat and was awoken by noises.

Eastern Daily Press: Police on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace KalkertePolice on the scene in King's Lynn after the murder of Dace Kalkerte (Image: Chris Bishop)

Mr Jackson said the defendant will say she found the victim lying on the floor in the hallway.

She will say she "hugged" the victim and "pulled a knife out of her body" before knocking on doors nearby to try and call for help.

He said Klicneliene also said she had seen a blond haired man, with a cigarette or tattoo behind his ear, running away from the area.

But Mr Jackson said her account was "designed to make police think someone else was responsible".

Klicneliene, of Sir Lewis Street, Lynn, has denied murder.

The trial continues.