There were nervous but proud faces all round yesterday as 16 young people officially pledged to serve the Queen and country in a ceremony at Norwich.

The 16 year olds were all new recruits to the Army and were taking their Oath of Allegiance in front of family and friends at St Andrew's Hall.

The recruits from across Norfolk underwent the formal enlistment procedure that was conducted by Major Grant Pocock, together with Lord Mayor Jenny Lay and the Sheriff Chris Higgins.

In just over a week 12 of the soldiers will head to the Army Foundation College, in Harrogate, where they will train to be Junior Soldiers for the Infantry, Royal Armoured Corps, Royal Artillery and Royal Logistic Corps.

The other four will head to the Army Technical Foundation College, in Winchester, where they will train for technical Corps including the Royal Engineers, Army Air Corps and the Army Medical Services.

Warrant Officer John Richmond, area recruiting officer for Norwich said: 'They have all done well. They have had to go through a tough selection process and as a result been allocated jobs, either through the army foundation college or the army technical collection.'

Lord Mayor Jenny Lay said: 'They have sworn an allegiance to Queen and country at the beginning of the training and I think they know what is expected, the British army training is excellent and one of the best.'

Among those swearing in was Charley Blakely, of Swanton Morley, who hopes to follow in the footsteps of his father Staff Sergeant Matthew Lambie, and Zoe Sharp, of Kings Lynn, whose twin Kathryn is undergoing the selection process today.

•Anyone wanting to join the British Army should visit the Army Careers Office at 2 Magdalen Street Norwich NR3 1HX or

Charley Blakely, 16, of Swanton Morley

Formerly of Northgate High School, Dereham

Charley is following in his dad's footsteps. His father Matthew Lambie, 38, is a staff sergeant with the Light Dragoons at Swanton Morley.

Charley said: 'With growing up on an army base I wanted to get involved and went to the careers office with my dad and got an application form.

'I am nervous but excited at the same time.'

He will spend his initial training at the Army Foundation College, in Harrogate. He is hoping to join up with the Light Dragoons early in 2013.

His father staff sergeant Matthew Lambie said: 'It has been such a long process to join up but today, as the final part, has make it all worthwhile.'

He added: 'I joined 20 years ago and I've seen a lot of changes in how things are done but I have always loved it.'

Charley was also joined by his as his mum Dawn Lambie, 38, brother Luke Lambie, eight, girlfriend Becca Youngs, 16, and his dad Matthew Lambie, 38.

Zoe Sharp, 16, of Kings Lynn

Formerly of Springwood High School, Kings Lynn

Zoe and her twin sister Kathryn have both started along the road to a career in avionics.

Zoe took her oath yesterday and Kathryn will be taking the selection tests today.

Zoe will be starting at the Army Technical Foundation College, in Winchester, and has a long two-year training process ahead of her if she is to realise a dream and work on Apache helicopters.

She said: 'Honestly I joined because Kathryn was joining and then I wanted it more when I went and had a look around. It looks like something different. I don't want an easy job.'

Kathryn said: 'At a careers fair at Lynnsport there were a lot of things around, but the army looked the most interesting. I spoke with them for an hour.'

Their mum Shani Sharpe said that the two had always played football and kickboxing together.

'It did not surprise me whatsoever. I am pleased for them to get out and see different places. They have to life their own lives.'