BOOK worms from far and wide came to seek out a bargain or a hidden treasure at an annual second-hand book sale at the weekend.

The villagers of St James South Elmham hosted their sixth annual St James Book Sale at the village hall and saw hundreds of visitors come to admire and browse the 7,000 books on offer.

Since its first year in 2006 the event has continued to grow and all proceeds raised go to the upkeep of the village church. Church warden Rachel Ritchie said: 'We couldn't have done it without a huge amount of enthusiastic help from the village.

'When it opened on Saturday morning a queue had already collected and the car park was full. People could be seen staggering out under piles of books.

'The 15th century church tucked away at the back of the village is always in need if care and attention so the money raised will be much needed and appreciated.'

More than 20 volunteers helped to move the books from storage up to the village hall, which involved a tractor, trailer and several vans and cars. A team also helped to provide teas, coffees, cakes and lunches both for the helpers and visitors.

A total of �2500 was raised, of which �2200 will go to the church.