Plans for this year's Norwich Pride celebrations are being finalised, with the hope of turning the city 'into a rainbow' for a day.

The Norwich Pride Collective held an open meeting at the Castle pub, in Gurney Road, to tell people about plans for this year's Norwich Pride, which will be held on Saturday, July 28.

There will be stalls, talks and films between 10am and 5pm at the Forum and the 'Pride Picnic' between midday and 2pm in Chapelfield Gardens, before the parade leaves at 2pm, heading to the Forum, and concluding with a 'Pride Show' on Millennim Plain at 3pm.

The open meeting was also an opportunity to launch the 'Pride Postcard' campaign. Norwich Pride have got 5,000 rainbow postcards printed with details of what's happening on the day, which will be distributed across shops, cafes and businesses.

The postcard features their new 2012 logo designed by local graphic designer Mike Jeffries.

Mr Jeffries said: 'It's a great compliment to have been given some ownership of what they've worked so hard to build over the last four years and it's a pleasure for me to be able to lend my skills to the campaign.

'To me, Pride is a celebration of being different to the perceived norm. This can still be difficult in a largely rural community because people are more isolated.

'Hopefully, my work will help to get the message out there and encourage plenty of support.'

The postcards have been designed so that people can use them to create colourful displays and bunting for the celebrations.

Deanna Allison, chair of Norwich Pride 2012, added: 'Our vision is to turn Norwich into a rainbow and we hope to see our postcards everywhere lighting up shop windows and display boards.

'We are really pleased to work with Mike on the campaign. He is a great example of what Norwich Pride is about - people coming together and sharing their skills to ensure we can all be safe and proud to be ourselves.'

Norwich Pride relies on donations and fundraising events to keep its events free and accessible. To support them, go to

- Are you organising a community event in Norwich? Contact reporter David Freezer on 01603 772418 or