A new book by Sheringham-based artist Kenneth Grant charts a 20-year career painting ships ranging from the famous tea clipper the Cutty Sark, to the Ispolen, which was shipwrecked off the north Norfolk coast in 1897.

Eastern Daily Press: Painting by Kenneth Grant of a museum replica of Captain Cook's ship the Endeavor, which passed the north Norfolk in 1997 on its circumnavigation of the world.Painting by Kenneth Grant of a museum replica of Captain Cook's ship the Endeavor, which passed the north Norfolk in 1997 on its circumnavigation of the world. (Image: Archant)

Born the son of a marine engineer in Barking, Essex, in 1934, the young Kenneth developed a passion for aircraft when, at the peak of the second world war, he saw at first hand British and German planes in combat.

Eastern Daily Press: Painting by Sheringham-based artist Kenneth Grant of the Battle of Trafalgar.Painting by Sheringham-based artist Kenneth Grant of the Battle of Trafalgar. (Image: Archant)

'I witnessed the start of the Battle of Britain when I saw two Hurricanes chasing a German aircraft over our house at Upminster,' he explained.

Living in Glasgow while his father's ship was repaired after being bombed, the young Kenneth picked up a pencil and began sketching the wartime ships and planes he saw in newspapers and magazines.

He continued to draw and paint in his spare time while serving with the RAF as a wireless operator during the 1950s, also making sketches of Winston Churchill and the building of London landmark Centre Point, for the London Evening Standard newspaper.

After a 37-year career as a clerical officer in London, Mr Grant finally had a chance to concentrate on his love of art full time when he retired in 1988.

Exhibitions in Norfolk, London and the USA followed, while commissions ranged from CD covers, to providing the illustrations for a book on naval history for the US Navy Institute.

One of his paintings was also featured in the latest film by Oscar-winning Hollywood movie makers the Cohen Brothers.

Entitled A Brush with the Sea, Mr Grant's new book includes paintings completed over the past 20 years, depicting scenes ranging from cargo ships of the 1950s, to the Battle of Trafalgar.

He will celebrate his 80th birthday next year but has no plans to give up painting.

'The next picture is always going to be the best, but I just want to keep doing it,' he said. 'It's the challenge I enjoy, but I'm in love with ships, it is as simple as that.'

? Brush with the Sea is available by phoning 01263 823408.