An army of 1,000 identical toast soldiers has been deployed to raise funds for a military charity.

The tasty troops were designed using bespoke toast-cutters so they are the ideal size for dipping into boiled eggs.

Inspired by China's Terracotta Army, they were created by Eggs For Soldiers which donates 15p from every box of six eggs sold.

The toast army marks the egg brand's annual fundraising event March Fourth for the Help for Heroes charity which supports wounded troops.

Caroline Beatty, brand manager at Eggs For Soldiers, said: 'By making one small change to their weekly shop and buying a pack of Eggs For Soldiers, it can make a big difference to the brave servicemen and women who have been wounded in the service of their country.

'We've raised almost £1m for Help for Heroes so far and would urge people to keep buying Eggs For Soldiers to help us reach this milestone and get us on the way to £2m.'

A section of the toast army will go on display at London's Royal Artillery Museum from March 10.