A pregnant mother was lucky to escape unscathed after a car crashed into a wall outside her Lowestoft home and showered her lounge with debris as she lay asleep on the sofa.

Laura Wilson, 36, was in her lounge in St Peter's Street at about 1.10am yesterday when the car collided with the garden wall of her house – sending glass, bricks and debris flying across the room.

Although debris became embedded in walls, damaged electrical equipment and ended up covering the floor, Mrs Wilson, who is five months pregnant with her second child, did not suffer a scratch.

The crash happened while Mrs Wilson's husband James was still at work at the Triangle Tavern pub and the couple's three-year-old son Oscar was sound asleep upstairs.

Mrs Wilson, who was dozing on the sofa, was woken by the noise of the impact and initially thought someone had just thrown a brick through her window. Her first instinct was to rush upstairs to check on Oscar – and she was then stunned when she saw the devastation in the lounge.

'It was like a bomb had exploded in the room,' she said.

'A brick had just missed my head. The car hit the wall with such a force that it covered the room with vehicle parts, bricks and glass.

'I only ended up with a bit of glass in my hair. I just can't believe what has happened – and the fact I was not hurt. It has not sunk in yet.

'I daren't imagine what might have happened to me and Oscar if it had happened during the day. We could have been seriously injured or much worse.'

Mr Wilson, 40, who is the manager of the Triangle Tavern, was cashing up at the pub when he got a call to say something had happened at home.

He said: 'When I got home I could see Laura was shocked and was pacing up and down. I then saw all the debris everywhere. It was incredible to see.'

After the crash, an engineer checked Mr and Mrs Wilson's gas meter and the front room windows were boarded up.

The badly-damaged car – thought to be a Peugeot 106 carrying a driver and two passengers – was removed.

None of the people in the car is thought to have been badly hurt, although an ambulance attended, and Suffolk police confirmed yesterday afternoon that no arrests had been made in relation to the incident.

It is the third time that a car has collided with a wall of a house in St Peter's Street since July.

Mr and Mrs Wilson are now demanding that action be taken to make the road safer and are considering drawing up a petition.

Mrs Wilson said: 'Everyone should expect to feel safe in your front room. Cars thunder up and down this road, day and night and we get big lorries down here as well.'

Mr Wilson added: 'Something needs to be done, people treat this road like it is a main road.'

Karen Taylor, 42, lives across the road from where yesterday's collision happened. Three weeks ago the garden wall of her home was demolished when a car crashed into it.

She said: 'I think this road is terrible for traffic. I am worried for the children as they walk along it.'

On Sunday, July 6, a BMW crash into a garden wall outside two houses. The driver, Alexander Desouza, from Colchester, later pleaded guilty to drink-driving and driving without due care and attention.