Charlie Tacon certainly knows his onions when it comes to pick your own.

For his 200-acre family-run farm at Rollesby near Great Yarmouth has been famous locally for pick your own for 30 years - and is rare among Norfolk farms in specialising in onions.

Charlie, who runs the business with his wife Emma and father Richard, said this season's crop of white and red onions awaiting pickers at their field next to the A149 was excellent.

'Last summer was terrible, but this year we have had just the right combination of sunshine and rain at the right time,' he said.

'They are a thirsty crop but they have grown well and bulked up. The only complaints we have had are from picklers because there are not too many small ones.'

The Grange in Rollesby has become a favourite destination for pick your own fans for the Tacons, who have farmed in the village for 100 years, offer strawberries, gooseberries and raspberries as well as onions.

Charlie said: 'Because we are a small farm we have gone into more specialised crops and supply more directly to the public with pick your own where possible.'

He said they had noticed a decline in the popularity of pick your own a decade ago but there had since been a strong resurgence of interest.

'When the credit crunch happened people were looking for good value and there has been a growing appetite for buying local produce. The public is getting very savvy about food miles,' he said.

'We find people also like doing it for the fun of it and pick more than they need. It is a great outdoor activity.'

He said this year's strawberries had also been the best crop for years due to the perfect growing conditions.

His wife added that onions collected now from the field would keep until spring if kept in a cool airy place such as the garden shed or greenhouse.

She said: 'To help prevent the tears when slicing an onion, splash it with white vinegar or chop it in water. A cut onion placed in a room will absorb any unwanted aromas.'

The onion field is open daily from 10am to 4pm. Visit