Christmas can be a bitter-sweet time for many, and a local funeral directors and a church have joined forces to give families the chance to remember lost loved ones this Yuletide.

Families in the Sprowston area can now place messages to loved ones on a memorial tree at St Mary & St Margaret's Church.

And there are already dozens of messages on the tree from families in the parish.

One message reads, 'Ken 'Pappy' Jefferys, always missed, love from all the family xxx'.

The tree has been donated to the church for the second consecutive year by John Brown funeral directors in North Walsham Road, Sprowston.

Funeral director Shayne Stork said: 'We decided to do it again after more than 60 cards were placed on the tree last Christmas. We were also getting people calling us asking us if we were doing it again.

'I think this is a great way in which the local funeral director and the church can work together to give the people of Sprowston and the surrounding areas somewhere to go and remember a loved one at this time of year.

'Many people wish to remember a loved one at Christmas and people can write their own personal message and place it on the tree.

'Tags are at the church by the tree or people can make their own or get the children to do a picture to put on the tree.'

Revd Dean Akrill, associate vicar, parish of Sprowston, added: 'Christmas can be a bitter-sweet time; a time for loved ones, but also a time when we remember those who have died and whom we see no more.

'I think this tree provides a valuable opportunity for prayer and reflection at this time and is a fitting tribute to loved ones who have helped to shape our lives and have since passed away.

'Anybody is welcome to place a message.'

The church in Church Lane is open daily between 10am and 3pm, and the tree will be in situ until the new year.

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