The terrible cost of the terrorist attack in Tunisia has been brought home, with the devastating news that a man from Suffolk is among those who lost their lives.

Suffolk Police have confirmed that Stuart Cullen, 52, from the Lowestoft area, died in Friday's slaughter in Sousse, which left at least 30 Britons dead.

It is believed Mr Cullen died instantly; his wife was with him at the time.

She received injuries but has returned home to Suffolk, and is being comforted by her family and Suffolk Police's family liaison officers.

A spokesman said: 'The family has asked that their privacy is respected as they try to cope.'

Meanwhile, another Suffolk family were last night desperately waiting for official news of Allison Heathcote, who they saw on television being taken away injured.

Her husband, Philip, is still unaccounted for.

Last night, Stephen Ardley, mayor of Lowestoft, said: 'This is a terrible tragedy and our thoughts are with all those affected, especially Mr Cullen's family and friends.

'By some coincidence, I was personally on that very beach only just over a week ago and I cannot begin to imagine the horror that people suffered in what is a beautiful and friendly part of the world.'

•Would you like to pay tribute to Mr Cullen, or were you affected by the terrorist attack? Email