A tiny baby squirrel monkey clings to his mum high in the tree tops.

It is familiar scene in the rainforests of South America - but it is a first at Cromer's Amazona Zoo.

The youngster, who is just two weeks old, is now starting to make public appearances at the tourist attraction.

But head keeper Imogen White said the mum and baby are in trees on a water ringed Monkey island, so visitors hoping to see them might find binoculars useful.

Mum - called Peaches - and baby were doing well, she added.

'Peaches is jumping from branch to branch and the baby is hanging on well,' said Mrs White.

The parents are one of two pairs that have been at the Cromer zoo since it opened eight years ago.

It had taken that long for the squirrel monkeys to get old enough and adjust to their surroundings ready to have babies.

The baby's sex will not be know until it breaks free from its mum and its identifying parts can be seen.

Squirrel monkeys normally live in the rainforests of Bolivia, Brazil and Peru. They live up to 21 years of age, weigh around 9.5kg and are omnivorous - eating fruit, seeds and insects.

For more information visit www.amazonazoo.co.uk, call 01263 510741 or follow @AmazonaZoo on Twitter and AmazonaZoo on Facebook.