First it was rampaging geese, then a 'monstrous' 100lb catfish – now, it seems, there has been a new creature menacing the locals around Diss Mere.

Eastern Daily Press: Andrew Usiskin on the shores of Diss Mere with the shark fin he designedAndrew Usiskin on the shores of Diss Mere with the shark fin he designed (Image: Archant)

People on the shores were stopped in their tracks by the apparent sight in the middle of the water of man-eater rather more familiar to the south Pacific than south Norfolk.

A dorsal fin popping out of the Mere, wove its way noiselessly and stealthily across the surface of the placid water, like a predator seeking its prey. But, to the relief of bemused onlookers – whose gasps were audible – the fin was in fact a remote-controlled craft, being steered safely by its creator from the shore.

The project is the brainchild of London artist and designer Andrew Usiskin who decided to test out the new device during a recent visit to his cousin in Wortham, near Diss. The 68 year old, who lives in Hampstead, north London, said: 'I've had this idea for some time. I thought it would be quite fun to have a radio controlled shark fin and put it in open water.

'There is a pond in Hampstead which is a mens swimming pond and I'd like to put the fin on there but we thought we'd try it out on the Mere.'

Eastern Daily Press: The shark fin which was spotted in Diss MereThe shark fin which was spotted in Diss Mere (Image: Archant)

The artist, who trained at Hornsey College of Art, said: 'It was so funny to watch the reaction of people.

'People were walking along and pointing at it and one boy said 'Dad it's a shark, they live in salt water, why is it in the Mere'.

'When you see it from a distance it really does look like a fin. '

Mr Usiskin added: 'It's just a bit of fun and it makes people smile.'

Having made its debut in Norfolk the shark fin looks set to make an appearance on waters in Hampstead Heath before it follows Mr Usiskin on his future holidays in a specially adapted rucksack.

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