Three generations joined in the celebrations as happy couple reach their milestone 70th wedding anniversary.

Eastern Daily Press: Doris, 87 and Ron, 88 who celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary at Ingham Old Hall, who were married 5th January 1946. Picture: MARK BULLIMOREDoris, 87 and Ron, 88 who celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary at Ingham Old Hall, who were married 5th January 1946. Picture: MARK BULLIMORE (Image: Archant Norfolk 2016)

Doris, 87 and Ron Oliver, 88, from Hickling celebrated at the Ingham old Hall residential home yesterday, where Mrs Oliver now lives.

The couple, who grew in up Manor Park near Ilford in London, met in 1944 and married in 1946 on January 5.

Mr Oliver signed up to the army shortly before he met his wife but then soon wished he hadn't.

Mrs Oliver worked as a clerk for a paint company and after the army, Ron worked on the docks for a company called Scrattons.

Eastern Daily Press: Ron and Doris Oliver on their wedding day in 1946.Ron and Doris Oliver on their wedding day in 1946. (Image: Archant)

The couple have two children, son Ron, 62 who lives in Billericay, Essex with wife of Barbara, 61, and daughter Janice, 64, who lives in Lingwood.

In 1964 they bought Lanbridge Mill in Hickling and used it as a weekend retreat, however in 1975, Mr Oliver was made redundant and they moved up to Norfolk permanently.

Mr Oliver then went on to become and engineer at Bacton gas terminal and Mrs Oliver worked at an estate agents in Stalham.

Mrs Oliver has a back problem that causes her difficulty when walking, last March she collapsed and as a result she now lives in the care home.

The couple's daughter-in-law, Barbara, said: 'Ron misses Doris dreadfully, they are so close. She has gone home on the odd day, like Christmas Eve, but she needs two carers all the time.

'The land keeps him busy, like when he is cleaning the river. He loves it, it's like his own bit of paradise.

'They used to swim in there every day. They also have a sauna so Ron would jump in there in Winter and then go swim in the river, he is a very eccentric man.'

Barbara, who has been married to husband Ron for 42 years, looks up to the couple. She said: 'They are a close couple and went hand in hand all the time, they are definitely an inspiration. They have created a dynasty and are an inspiration for the whole family.

'Doris said she was told: 'If you have an argument, try and put yourself in their shoes' and she said that helped.'

The couple have grandchildren Joanne, 38, Sarah, 37, Kirsty, 30 and Jeffrey, 40 from Janice and David, 38 and Natalie, 37, from Ron.

They also have 14 great grandchilden, with another due in March.