Mindless vandals today stand accused of putting sportsmen and women at risk after they left broken glass on a Norfolk playing field.

Eastern Daily Press: Action from Swaffham Town Reserves' 4-0 home loss to Redgate Rangers at Shoemakers Lane. Picture: Eddie DeaneAction from Swaffham Town Reserves' 4-0 home loss to Redgate Rangers at Shoemakers Lane. Picture: Eddie Deane (Image: Eddie Deane)

Volunteers were just in time to averted a potentially serious injury when they spotted the broken bottles at Myers Playing Field, Swaffham on Saturday - ahead of a full weekend of sporting fixtures.

Swaffham Town FC secretary Ray Ewart said the shards of at least two bottles were found at around 10am when volunteers were marking the pitch. It took took almost an hour to clear up.

During the weekend the field is used by almost 100 children and adults for training and matches and is shared with Swaffham Cricket Club and Swaffham Town Bowls Club.

Mr Ewart said: 'The sports individuals in the town, both young and adult, are being put at risk by the mindless vandalism occurring on the Myers Playing Field.'

He said there had been an increase in vandalism around the field since the cricket club installed security lights outside the premises last year. He suspected people were loitering outside to drink alcohol and using the field as a rubbish bin.

'Not for the first time, valuable time by the volunteers who use the facilities was wasted at the weekend to clear up broken glass from the playing field.

'We have to clear it up ourselves, we work so hard and it has cost us time to get it right before the kids play football in the morning.

'It is clearly apparent that the breakages were not by accident but deliberate.'

He added: 'The field is used by several of the sporting clubs of the town and heaven help us if one of our athletes became injured through this stupidity.'

He appealed to the people of Swaffham to 'keep an eye out' and 'report any wrong-doing' to the Police.

Mr Ewart added: 'It was fortunate at this occurrence that it was spotted in time as the field was in use both Saturday and Sunday this weekend.

'It was a nuisance I didn't really need. For crying out loud we are trying to look after the children who play here.'