An 11-year-old schoolgirl's poem about dreaming of a time of life after the pandemic has proven to be a lockdown hit.

Annie Overton, who is in Year Six at Gaywood Primary School in King's Lynn, has been attending school three days a week during lockdown and has written a poem called 'I dream of a time' as part of a positive project for her PHSE class.

Eastern Daily Press: Gaywood Primary School head girl, Annie Overton (11) has written a poem, I dream of a time. Picture: Ian BurtGaywood Primary School head girl, Annie Overton (11) has written a poem, I dream of a time. Picture: Ian Burt (Image: Ian Burt Photography)

But the 11-year-old, whose parents are key workers, did not anticipate that her forward-looking view of the current situation would touch the hearts of people in her school community and on social media.

She said: “I thought 'what do I know about Covid' and 'what do I want to feel like after', and I just got on with it."

Her ode- "I dream of a time":

I dream of a time

Where masks are for Halloween

And gloves are for the Winter.

I dream of a time

Where two metres is tall

And six is just a number.

I dream of a time

When cleaning is boring

And rules are part of a game.

I dream of a time

Where supermarkets aren't exciting

And shields are made of metal.

I dream of a time

When our freedom returns

And Covid is no longer.

Eastern Daily Press: Gaywood Primary School head girl, Annie Overton (11) has written a poem, I dream of a time. Picture: Ian BurtGaywood Primary School head girl, Annie Overton (11) has written a poem, I dream of a time. Picture: Ian Burt (Image: Ian Burt Photography)

Annie said being at school during lockdown is "exactly the same" but with fewer classmates, and the new environment has helped her make new friends.

Her dad Will, who is a teacher at the school, said pupils were asked to write a poem about how they think 'life will be when we get back to normal'.

He said: “I’m a teacher and my wife’s a nurse, so we’re both working pretty much as normal and the children are at school, so I don’t think what she wrote is particularly influenced by us having changed circumstances - she’s just bright and so for her it’s just another piece of classroom exercise.”

Eastern Daily Press: Gaywood Primary School head girl, Annie Overton (11) has written a poem, I dream of a time. Picture: Ian BurtGaywood Primary School head girl, Annie Overton (11) has written a poem, I dream of a time. Picture: Ian Burt (Image: Ian Burt Photography)

On what could be part of 21st century history, Annie said: “I’ve not really thought about how it will be looking back.

“To me it’s just school work.”