Pressure at work may have triggered a breakdown in missing Norfolk holidaymaker Lucy Gutteridge. Her distraught father Paul Gutteridge revealed that his 24-year-old daughter had become anxious and stressed over a forthcoming possible promotion with her job with special needs children.

Pressure at work may have triggered a breakdown in missing Norfolk holidaymaker Lucy Gutteridge.

Her distraught father Paul Gutteridge revealed that his 24-year-old daughter had become anxious and stressed over a forthcoming possible promotion with her job with special needs children.

He feels this may have led to her suddenly going off from the High Sands Creek caravan park at Stiffkey on the North Norfolk coast on Wednesday morning.

It is now five days since Lucy was last seen at 2am in the tent she shared with her partner, Dave Mordue, and despite an extensive air, sea and land search co-ordinated by police there have been no positive sightings of her.

Her father revealed that Lucy was worried over a possible promotion at work.

“She was getting text messages from her colleagues encouraging her over a work promotion but she is a gentle person and it appeared to be getting too much,” he said.

“Lucy finds it hard to say 'no' and the pressure builds up,” said Mr Gutteridge.

He said that Lucy was also concerned over a maths exam she was due to take and for which she felt she had not done enough revision. “I think all this contributed to her stress,” he said.

When she disappeared from the Stiffkey caravan park she left without taking her medication.

It is believed she had about £100 with her and Mr Gutteridge feels she may have moved out of the North Norfolk area by train or bus.

He again issued an appeal for Lucy to make contact with her family who are manning landline and mobile phones at their home near Nottingham. He just wants her to get in touch so that they know she is safe.

“That is our main priority now, hearing from Lucy, so that we know she is safe,” he said.

Police are continuing with their inquiries into her disappearance but have confirmed there have been no positive sightings of her in North Norfolk.

t Anyone with information about Lucy's whereabouts or believes they may have seen her is asked to contact police on 0845 4564567.