A speed camera has been replaced on a busy road despite fears it could cause accidents by blocking drivers' view at a junction.

Norfolk County Council has installed the camera beside the A10 at Setchey, south of King's Lynn, to enforce the 40mph speed limit through the village.

But there are fears it could obscure the view of drivers turning onto the main road from the Garage Lane industrial estate.

A camera was originally installed at the junction in December 2020. But it was taken down after county councillor Alexandra Kemp voiced safety concerns.

Now the council has used delegated powers to put the camera back, siting it slightly further back from the roadside.

In a letter to highways engineer Ian Kirkham, Ms Kemp said: "This is the wrong place for a speed camera, a total waste of public money and as the county councillor, I do not want this put back. Last time you had it installed, it was a shambles, put up in the direct line of motorists’ vision. What a scandal. Highways creating a safety hazard."

In his response, Mr Kirkham said: "The speed camera has been assessed that moving the speed camera further to the rear of the original location and with the vegetation cut well back, this will give a clear sightline for drivers.

"The aim of the camera is an aid to reduce the speed of the traffic and therefore help reduce the seriousness of any accidents."

In a briefing about the camera, Norfolk County Council said: "The A10 was identified from a list of potential sites across Norfolk.

"It has been prioritised because of the number and severity of collisions recorded on it in the last five years.

It is anticipated that the selection of this location will have a positive impact on speeds and safety in Setchey and West Winch."

Ms Kemp said the camera should be placed further to the south and better signage installed to warn drivers they were approaching the junction with Garage Lane.