An assisted living home in Fakenham has been named the most innovative in the country.

Housing 21's Meadow Walk centre in Thorpland Road won a 'most innovative supported/sheltered housing scheme' gong at the Housing Digital Innovation Awards at Edgbaston cricket ground in Birmingham.

Eastern Daily Press: The panels at Housing 21's facility in Fakenham.The panels at Housing 21's facility in Fakenham. (Image: Jayne Read)

The flats in the home, which is near Fakenham Medical Practice, come with a panel tablet so residents can talk to each other and answer the front door.

Carers can also use the system to talk to residents via a wearable pendant, to chat or give them reassurance.

Jayne Read, housing and care manager said: “We are delighted, to think that across the whole country we are the ones they chose.

“This panel has allowed our 45 residents to build this community.

Eastern Daily Press: (From right to left) Jayne Read, Maureen Dunn, and Angela Philpot, who work at Housing21 in Fakenham. As well as the Managing Director from Appello who put the panels in(From right to left) Jayne Read, Maureen Dunn, and Angela Philpot, who work at Housing21 in Fakenham. As well as the Managing Director from Appello who put the panels in (Image: Jayne Read)

“I could not believe it when they called us out, I jumped out of my chair and screamed.

“It makes all the hard work we put into the role worth it."

Eastern Daily Press: Housing 21's facility in Fakenham was awarded the most innovative supported/sheltered housing scheme at the Housing Digital Innovation AwardsHousing 21's facility in Fakenham was awarded the most innovative supported/sheltered housing scheme at the Housing Digital Innovation Awards (Image: Jayne Read)