Thousands of pipes which make up the historic organ at Norwich Cathedral are now being removed as the incredible instrument undergoes a £1.8m overhaul.

Work is well under way on a major 15-month restoration project of the cathedral's organ, parts of which date back to the 17th century.

The bulk of the organ's 6,655 pipes, which range from the size of a pencil to 32ft in length, are being carefully removed by specialists Harrison and Harrison.

Scaffolding was put up last month to enable the organ to be dismantled.

Each pipe will be transported to Durham for work and will then be reinstalled between January and March next year.

The project is being funded by money raised from the £2.5m They Shall Laugh and Sing Music Appeal.

Ashley Grote, master of music at Norwich Cathedral, said: “It is tremendously exciting that, after so many years of planning and fundraising, the work on the cathedral organ has finally begun.

"We are already looking forward to the reinstallation of the newly rebuilt organ next year.

Eastern Daily Press: Scaffold covers the organ inside Norwich Cathedral at the start of rebuilding work. Master Of music Ashley Grote has helped plan the workScaffold covers the organ inside Norwich Cathedral at the start of rebuilding work. Master Of music Ashley Grote has helped plan the work (Image: Archant)

"It will be without doubt one of the finest cathedral organs in the country, fit to serve the cathedral and the people of Norwich for many, many decades to come.”

While the organ is being rebuilt, two digital organs will be taking the place of the cathedral’s organ during services.

After the pipes are reinstalled, the scaffolding will be taken down after Easter 2023 and an 11-week ‘voicing period’ will follow.

Eastern Daily Press: Work to dismantle the organ at Norwich CathedralWork to dismantle the organ at Norwich Cathedral (Image: Norwich Cathedral / Bill Smith)

This will involve the fine tuning of each and every pipe and the hope is the work will be completed by July 2023.

A special programme of performances will then take place to celebrate the return of the organ.

Eastern Daily Press: Norwich Cathedral organNorwich Cathedral organ (Image: Norwich Cathedral/Bill Smith)

The huge undertaking is the instrument’s first complete rebuild since 1942, following a fire which partially destroyed the organ in April 1938.

There are references to an organ at Norwich Cathedral dating back to the 14th century.

Eastern Daily Press: Some of the pipes from Norwich Cathedral's organSome of the pipes from Norwich Cathedral's organ (Image: Norwich Cathedral / Bill Smith)

The current instrument, a 105-stop pipe organ built by the Norwich firm of Norman and Beard, was installed in 1899, although part of it dates back to the 17th century.

It is used for some 1,500 services each year as well as special events and concerts.