A calendar featuring images of Dragon Hall by several local photographers has been produced to raise vital funds in the lead up to Christmas.

Staff at the medieval trading hall on King Street in Norwich put together the A4 calendar, which went on sale yesterday.

It is hoped that it will bring in thousands of pounds to support the upkeep of the historic building, which costs about �180,000 a year.

Rachel McLanaghan, events coordinator at the hall, said: 'They're really lovely photos of Dragon Hall, things like the dragon itself.

'For the winter pictures we've got some lovely pictures of the hall in the snow, interesting bits of architecture and views of the building in the whole. They're really nice images. It's something that we've been talking about doing for years, so I think it's going to be very popular,' she added.

The hall was originally built around 1427 by the city's mayor and local MP Robert Toppes.

It was reopened in 2006 after a �1.8m restoration project and is now cared for by an independent charity called the Norfolk and Norwich Heritage Trust.

The centre brings in money to stay open by hiring out rooms for conferences, functions and weddings, and also hosts a range of craft classes.

Today the hall was holding its annual Eastern Artisans' Market, which offers a selection of products from the region's artists and craft makers.

The event will be the first opportunity to buy a copy of the calendar, which will remain on sale at the hall until all copies are sold.

The hall has printed several hundred copies, but hopes it can sell out and prepare a second printing run.

'We have thought about Christmas cards as well, so maybe we'll do that next year if this sells well,' said Mrs McLanaghan.

For more information on events or to buy a copy of the calendar, visit Dragon Hall on King Street or call 01603 663922.

Is your business preparing for Christmas? Call reporter Matthew Sparkes on 01603 772439 or email matthew.sparkes@archant.co.uk