Albums are filling, vouchers are flying off the shelves and once-vague memories are being dusted off.

Since we launched our Greetings From... postcard collection last month, we've seen more than 10,000 tokens redeemed for one of our 60 cards, which bear images from our archives dating back to the 1940s.

Feedback from you has been glowing, with many of you enjoying a nostalgic trip back through the decades as you collect.

And, for the next week, we will be selling our illustrated albums for half price – at just £2.49 – as well as including one free postcard today and Monday to give collections a boost.

Mark Wingham, editor of Picture Postcard Monthly, which has subscribers in 24 countries, said: 'People have a tremendous appetite for nostalgia today, especially with the explosion of interest in family history.

'From 1902 to 1918, in what's known as The Golden Age, postcards were the main collecting hobby for a nation proud of its empire and its achievements. Millions were sent every day – and it seems incredible that the post was delivered to our homes six times a day.'

He said it was the 'texting of its day' and the main form of communication before telephones were a staple in homes.

The Greetings From... postcards capture both iconic moments, such as Muhammad Ali's visit to Norwich, and simple snapshots from decades gone by.

Mr Wingham said he applauded the project. 'Nothing tells a story like a good picture, and you have chosen some amazing images for your 60-strong collection – you are introducing postcards to a whole new audience,' he said. 'The photographers of yesteryear would salute the work of your own newspaper photographers, which is now forever immortalised in postcards.'

From now until mid-October, a token – which is worth one postcard – will be printed in the paper every day. On weekends, the voucher will entitle you to two postcards.

• Do you have postcards with an interesting story behind them? Email