The dogs have officially been let out, as owners across the country bring their four legged friends to work for Bring Your Dog to Work day.

Eastern Daily Press: Poppy sporting a bow tie. Picture: The GaragePoppy sporting a bow tie. Picture: The Garage (Image: The Garage)

And The Garage in Norwich was no different, but the performing arts centre had their day with a twist, as they dressed their pooches up in circus outfits and had them performing tricks.

Labradors Poppy and Sookie dressed up in tutus and bow ties, with Teddy the chihuahua sporting a top hat.

The idea came from Frances Lamb, marketing and communications officer for the Garage. She said: 'We chose the circus theme because we're running My First Circus next month, where toddlers can come along and get really involved in a circus performance.

'It seemed liek the perfect fit to bring the dogs in and dress them up and get them involved with what we do at work!'