A debate into the future of Norwich's walk-in centre has been postponed for two months - with the "crazy" reason sparking anger and bemusement.

Councillors were due to scrutinise proposals to close down the city medical facility later this month, as the consultation deadline looms.

It was set to be discussed at the March meeting of the Norfolk health overview and scrutiny committee (HOSC), which will be held on Thursday.

Eastern Daily Press: The NHS Walk-In Centre in Rouen House, Rouen Road, Norwich

But the item has been pulled from the agenda due in part to the meeting falling too close to May's local elections - a period, known as purdah, when civil servants are supposed to avoid getting involved in political issues.

Steve Morphew, leader of the Labour group at County Hall, said: "How have they managed to hold a consultation that runs into the pre-election period if that stops public debate into such a controversial issue?

Eastern Daily Press: Steve Morphew, the council's Labour opposition leader

"It seems a crazy situation and the whole process has been very messy."

The matter was due to be discussed after Green Party city councillor Sandra Bogelein wrote to the committee's chair calling for it to be scrutinised.

Eastern Daily Press: Green Party city councillor Sandra Bogelein

She said: "I am concerned that purdah is being used as an excuse to stifle debate.

"I believe the proposals should be scrutinised before a decision can be made and I am concerned that by the next meeting that will have been made."

Alison Thomas, the committee's Conservative chair, said the decision to postpone the item was made collectively between local NHS bosses and the council.

Eastern Daily Press: Alison Thomas, Conservative candidate for Long Stratton. Pic: Norfolk Conservatives.

She said: "Until we know the full outcome of the consultation and any detail of the options from that, it would be premature to scrutinise it."

A spokesperson for NHS Norfolk and Waveney, which is leading the consultation, said: "A decision was taken to move it to the HOSC meeting in May as the consultation would still be open during the March meeting and NHS Norfolk and Waveney entered into the pre-election period on Thursday."


What is purdah?

Purdah is a period of time in the lead-up to any election designed to ensure the democratic process is protected.

It prevents civil servants such as council officers and organisations including NHS bodies from engaging in any activity which could be perceived as influencing election outcomes.

The period places restrictions on the communications these organisations are able to make with the public.

It can also result in decisions or announcements on policy changes being delayed or deferred until after the elections are held.

With Norfolk set to go to the polls for local elections on Thursday, May 4, NHS Norfolk and Waveney opted to enter this period on March 16.

The consultation into the future of the walk-in centre is due to conclude on Sunday, March 26 - leading critics to question the timing of the process.